Kavon Sabet

My Portfolio


System Analysis & Design

Spring 2019- Worked with a group of eight students to create a database solution for a small home renovation company in the Houston area. As project manager, I oversaw all operations for the group. My main priorities were setting deadlines, group meetings, progress reports, and finalizing the project.  Throughout the project we executed the systems analysis & Design (SAD) process using SDLC for a live business. As a group we forecasted an increase in revenue for the company by $50,000 within a span of five years by reducing errors and redundancy rates to 2-3 times a year. 

Database Management

Fall 2019- Worked as a team to identify issues and needs within home renovation company IT infrastructure and legacy bookkeeping. I oversaw all operations for the team. My main priorities were setting deadlines, group meetings, creating SQL scripts, and testing the application. As a group we created SQL scripts to easily update the database with complementary web GUI developed in Java. With this project our group helped the home renovation company digitize more than 1,350 customer account records and reduced lookup time by 50% on a weekly basis.


Database Implementation & Design

Spring 2020- Applied database implementation and administration skills and concepts in order to implement a database and populate it with data. As a group we created tables based on the entity relationship diagram (ERD) provided by the professor. We bulk inserted data we created using SQLLDR. Using Oracle SQL Developer we created a database to store the data from the ERD. Each of us then wrote scripts that would insert, update, and delete data within the database. We created queries based on real world scenarios we made up. 

Enterprise Applications Development

Spring 2020- Worked with Visual Studio Code to create a full stack web application using VueJS for the front-end and MongoDB as a local host for the database. My web application is designed to be a fictional travel agency to Iran. The user can create a profile, log into his/her profile and sign up for trips to four cities in Iran. I configured a set price for a day vacation and set a code to calculate the price based on how many days the user enters.  (Click below to view screenshots of the different pages on the site).

Project Management & Practice

Fall 2020- Collaborated remotely with 6 students to build a relational database for a Houston startup event company. Practiced PMI and Agile/Scrum methods of project management to work through the project. We created a event booking system using Java as the front end and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for the database section. The database was stored as an EC2 instance in the AWS Cloud sever.